Delivery Accommodations
Planning for student engagement in their IEPs includes thinking about delivery options for the IEP meeting. This can be done by having students create their own PowerPoint presentation that includes their interests and goals. Students can create their own presentations or use one of the templates listed below.
- Student-Led IEP PowerPoint Template - CCTS Download Student-Led IEP PowerPoint Template - CCTS
- Secondary IEP PPT Template - I'm Determined Download Secondary IEP PPT Template - I'm Determined
Once they create their PowerPoint, there was ways to help students get ready to share. Students may not be comfortable standing in front of the room and presenting to a table full of adults. Instead, they could record the presentation ahead of time, or video conference into the meeting. Also think about how assistive technology could support meeting participation. Students can use their communication devices in meetings, as needed.
Another avenue to engagement is to help the student make an agenda with participant assignments. If it’s the student’s job to greet everyone and introduce all the people in the room, it should say so on the agenda. You can help the student develop a script for their section and give opportunities to practice and become comfortable with it. They can partner with other students and practice together.
Next: Module 5 Summary